This PDF document, created in April of 2004, is a three-page version of content from the EinCite poster which explains the EinCite project and results to date.
Downloadable Resources:
- EinCite 3-Page Project Description
Jul 040 comments
I was talking about my recent posters the other day with Teetee/Pi. He was asking me questions about how to interpret Figure 3 which shows the clustered output that results after feeding similarity data into the multidimensional scaling algorithm. I didn’t have a copy of the page handy, so I pulled up the PDF version and happened to notice that the one-page version of my poster, destined for an ordinary sheet of paper, no longer had my name or my e-mail contact address on it. The only thing on it was a pointer to the three-page version of the poster on this web site.
Oops! Oops! Oops!
I was short on time when it was decided that a handout-sized version of information was needed, so I’d had my Sweetie build me the single page and the three-page versions based on the finished poster design. He got a little overzealous about saving space and, well, managed to axe the contact and affiliation information. It was missing off of the three-page version, too.
Alas, I didn’t discover this until after the Open Day, so the damage has probably already been done. Nevertheless, I’ve prepared new versions of both documents with this information intact and added page numbers, where appropriate, to boot.
Live and learn! Don’t be so concerned with the content that you fail to see the forest through the individual trees!
Downloadable Resources:
- A4 (regular page) handout sheet
- 3-page PDF version