I have a number of books I can only read and annotate easily using the Kindle software on either my iPad or my Mac. Their reading software does not have a built-in easy way to export the notes or highlights, so you need to do some mucking around to get them in a usable format.
First step is to install NoteScraper for Evernote. Once that’s done, I use the following steps:
- Log into your Kindle account at http://kindle.amazon.com/ using Safari.
- Click on the link to your books (https://kindle.amazon.com/your_reading).
- Locate the book with notes you want to export in that list and click the title of it.
- Scroll down to where notes start and choose “show your highlights only” (this also shows your notes).
- Assuming NoteScraper for Evernote is correctly installed and the Apple global Script Menu is visible on the top menu bar, choose “Export Kindle notes to Evernote”.
- You’ll be asked for some tags, a notebook to add it to (Kindle Notes), and whether you want each note to have its own note.
- Done. It’s in Evernote now.
It can then be copied and pasted into DevonThink (the tool I use) or other electronic journal or writing tools you may use.
Don’t use a Mac? You can perform the first four steps and then manually copy the content from the web page to wherever you like, but formatting and appearance won’t likely be as nice.
I’ve quickly posted this based on my how-to in my own research journal in response to a Twitter question by Catulla. I’ll add some illustrative screenshots later.