• Balancing Intermission & Other Tasks

    Yesterday both Livingstone and I had mail from Linda saying that my application for intermission had been sent off to the powers that be at the end of August. By then we already knew as a letter had arrived that day. Intermission has been granted. My maximum period of registration is now January 9th, 2006. It sounds like a long time away, but it’s not really. I basically have two years to get myself out of the door, unless I can get an extension.
    CSRP Technical Reports:
    I had mail from Celia today. I’ve been assigned my own CSRP number of 565. I need to pick up a form to attach to the hardcopy of my paper. Before I do that, I need to some tweaking and Livingstone would like to review it before it goes. Once that’s all done, I can send it off to Frank Shipman at Texas A&M who has agreed to provide some external support for me thanks to the evangelizing of Jim Rosenberg.
    Life Balance:
    I spent part of the afternoon purchasing and configuring LifeBalance for my Macintosh. The thery is that it helps you to more easily balance the different aspects in your life. It does this in several ways. One of the ways is by displaying a visual pie graph of how you spent your time versus how you would like to be spending it. It also allows you to define places, hours, and projects and I believe you can then use it in a mode which encourages you to work on the appropriate thing at the appropriate time and optimize your time usage.
    Wireless Working:
    Met with Kelvin Pope of Computing Services today to see why we couldn’t get my internal AirPort card on the network. It turned out that it was a MAC address issue. I had somehow twice obtained the wrong MAC address for my laptop, which is why it wasn’t getting an IP address. This is now all solved.

  • Dimensional MATLAB Reading

    Played around a little more with MATAB, although I didn’t really get very far. I was trying to figure out how to use dlmread to import my data files properly into MATLAB automatically. It didn’t really seem to want to fly somehow.
    I spent some time trying to figure out how to automate my MATLAB work. I couldn’t figure out how to get it to import the tab-delimited data files that my programs had produced using the dlmread command which should put it into a matrix. I can do it via the clipboard but not anyway else at the moment. Reviewing various MATLAB tutorials on the web, looking for hints, I realized that I need to review my understanding and knowledge of matrices again, so I’ve added this to my list of things to be done.
    Assuming that my methodology is correct, which it might not be, I can now map one MDS cluttering onto another using the Procrustes in MATLAB. I need to figure out now how to get a single measure of how different the two are from that. I’m at least further along than before, so that’s promising.

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  • Meeting with Supervisor

    I met with my supervisor briefly at lunch today. We quickly reviewed my intermission status and I reported on my previous week’s efforts. I, of course, had to relate my “D’oh” moment about the X applications running on my Mac and then discussed running it off of rsunx versus locally. He wants to be kept informed on my progress in obtaining a license. There’s a possibility that the department might be able to buy/subsidize a license and I should let him know if money needs to change hands.

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