Credit: Photograph by Keven Law under an Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license
Image: Photograph of street near Elephant and Castle on a rainy day in London through rain-streaked window
I’m about halfway through my initial coding of the motivation essays collected last April. I should have been done this months ago, but I’ve somehow been scared to do it. I think the big reason behind that is I’m afraid that I’m doing it or will do it incorrectly. As I am going through and creating codes, I cannot help but feel that I am not always focussing on the motivation issue, which is the primary question. I am generally coding for content or themes I see appearing in the essays. As an example, an essay may express that the author is more likely to assist someone else if they feel that other person has put some effort and thought into their character. That is not their motivation for playing, but I have still created a code for it as “assist others”. When I get to the end and review the list, I will not be able to tell which ones refer to motivation. Some probably are where a participant has expressed it as a motivation, but other instances, even of the same code, might just be a theme that was raised.