• [Leaves Leave]

    [A solitary leaf in the glorious sunset tones of autumn]
    Today I watched a leaf fall.
    It fluttered slowly down,
    Making no sound at all.

    The leafy greens I love so much,
    Red to yellow, to dried brown.
    They’ll crumble at my touch.

    So now I appreciate the day.
    Life can be unexpectedly short.
    Some day I, too, will fade away.

    I wrote this poem and did the leaf on October 17, 2001. Right now, in Edmonton, it’s a far cry away from the glorious colours of autumn, but it’s one of my favourite images. Today, we’re still in the grip of winter’s white, but time is still turning, and soon, again, the leafy greens of spring and summer will change to sunset tones.

