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Feb 04
Today I watched a leaf fall.
It fluttered slowly down,
Making no sound at all.The leafy greens I love so much,
Red to yellow, to dried brown.
They’ll crumble at my touch.So now I appreciate the day.
Life can be unexpectedly short.
Some day I, too, will fade away. -
Jan 04I woke up this morning in Edmonton and the sky was weeping white, coating the trees, the hills, and brown ground with a soft carpet. The main streets, while mostly plowed, were somewhat devoid of traffic, so there was a hush, appropriate to the virgin wool coat of the world. Little flakes dance like dust motes caught in an errant sunbeam. The sky is an even snowy grey, so unlike the darker, drearier skies of our Brighton home. On days like this, it is so easy to feel at peace and one with the world, believing that perhaps people and places are not so bad after all.